• Virtual Reality Training & Testing

Virtual Reality is the Most Effective Training

   Everyone knows that VISUAL training is the best type of training - and Virtual Reality is the most effective training environment. Our software and projects place the trainee in the actual environment where they can move throughout the space and learn, inspect, and manipulate exactly as if they were actually there. It will save time, money and give your trainees a better and more effective learning environment. This is followed up by testing their knowledge in our Learning Management System.
   As a trainer, you will have complete control over the situation and the testing and through your dashboard you can follow the results of your trainees individually and as a group.

Marriott Room SETUP Training

   In this program, the housekeeping staff and inspection supervisor trainees visit a Virtual Reality space of a properly set up guest room for their TRAINING. They then have the opportunity to do an INSPECTION in a guest room with several setup issues including missing and misplaced items or other issues making the room not properly prepared for the guest.

   The trainee clicks on the Marriott Standard Room TRAINING link and is taken into a guest room set up. They can make the VR Full Screen and they can move throughout the space clicking on the tags which describe proper placement, positioning, quantity and type of elements in the room. This information is provided in English as well as Spanish.
Try it by clicking on the Marriott Standard Room TRAINING link above.

Marriott Room INSPECTION Training

   Once the trainee is familiar with the proper setup, the trainee then selects the Marriott Standard Room INSPECTION link above. The trainee is then placed in the same guest room with several setup issues, like missing items and items out of place. They inspect the space and make a written list of everything that is wrong.
Try it by clicking on the Marriott Standard Room INSPECTION link above.

Marriott Room Inspection TESTING

   Next, they take a test to see if they have inspected the room properly and identified all the housekeeping issues. The testing can be built using our testing software, or the testing can be done within the trainer's LMS Software. They could be given a "grade", identify any wrong answers and they can also have the opportunity to go through the inspection and testing again and as often as necessary.
   This process gives the user a situation that they face in their workplace. This Actual VISUAL TRAINING is the most effective training environment and is more memorable and unforgetable. The employees are actually in a Virtual Environment where they work every day to teach them how to spot issues and problems before accidents occur.
   Actual training videos can be inserted in tags so if they have questions about proper setup and use, they can watch videos within the Virtual Training Environment.
   Engaging the users in the Virtual Walkthrough keeps them involved in their training as compared to the passive process or reading a manual or simply watching an instruction video.


National Boiler Service Safety Test

   This Safety Training places employees in Virtual Reality in a real world situation and they are to find any and all safety issues. There may be tripping hazards, improper use of equipment, improper setup of equipment, improper PPE and numerous other Safety Issues.

National Boiler Safety INSPECTION

   This virtual reality workspace is set up in an actual work environment with employees in the scene. Possible safety violations are marked with tags in areas that may be a safety issue. The employee inspecting the workspace determines at each location by clicking a tag to see a photo of the specific area to determine whether or not this is a safety violation. 


   Testing can be tied into LMS Software where they would answer if it is a safety violation and why.
   Your real world situation is created in your plant and work environment wherever it needs to be created. The employees are actually in a Virtual Environment where they work every day to teach them how to spot issues and problems before accidents occur.
   Actual training videos can be inserted in tags so if they have questions about proper setup and use, they can watch videos within the Virtual Training Environment.

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